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Danesholme Junior Academy

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Danesholme Junior Academy SEND

Danesholme Junior Academy Accessibility Plan

To ensure all adults and pupils have equality of access please see our Accessibility Policy

GAT SEN and Disability Policy

Click here for the Academy's SEND policy

Northamptonshire's Local Offer

Northamptonshire’s Local Offer can be accessed here

SEN Statement 

At Danesholme Junior Academy we aim for all pupils to become happy and confident learners so that they can progress and reach their full potential. Every child is unique and some children may have individual needs that may affect their learning. We want to make sure that every child gets the best support we can offer in order to help them to enjoy their learning, feel confident and happy amongst their friends and make the best possible progress.

Every child has individual needs that will affect their learning. Sometimes children need special support to give them an extra boost or to help them catch up with other children of the same age. They may need this support for a short time or a longer period, but during this time they will be part of our Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Register and we will keep a close eye on their progress, look carefully at what special support they need and keep in close touch with their parents

At the Academy we are able to cater for children with a range of special needs and disabilities:

  • Communication and Interaction for example - Autistic Spectrum Conditions (inc Aspergers), speech and language difficulties.
  • Cognitive and Learning for example – Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia, moderate learning difficulties
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties for example – ADHD, Attachment disorder, mental Illness or depression
  • Sensory and/or physical needs for example – vision/hearing impairment, motor skills difficulties

Some children may need extra support with their learning and here at Danesholme we strive to provide the best nurture and support to help give children the necessary skills to catch up with their peers. This support can be provided through individual and group sessions which may be delivered both in or out of the classroom.

There is a dedicated team of staff who deliver targeted intervention groups and children will be monitored closely to look at progress and what special support they require. Some children will also be part of the Academy's Special Educational Needs (SEND) register which, if necessary, provide personalised targets to work on primary areas of need. The Academy will maintain close links with parents and provide appropriate support based upon the views of staff, parents and the children. 

Information for Parents 

What happens if my child has difficulty learning?

Identification of pupils with SEND and what happens when we are concerned about children's learning. 

  • Class teachers
  • Senior Leadership Team
  • Parents/carers
  • Previous setting
  • Liaison with outside professionals/agencies

 What if a parent or teacher has concerns about a child's learning?

This flow diagram shows what happens if a parent or teacher has concerns about a child’s learning. Parents are encouraged to talk to their child’s teacher or make an appointment to see the SENDCo directly

Please see below for further information about a child being placed on the SEND Register. 

Please also see Northamptonshires Local Offer for further details of support accessed for children with SEND.  An information leaflet can be found at the bottom of this page. 


Additionally further support and advice can be accessed through the information on Free Local Services for Corby.

Key staff for SEND:

  • Mrs Dawn Reynolds- Assistant Principal and SENDCO (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator) 01536 741657


  • Mrs Patricia Docherty- Pastoral Manager 01536 741657

Further information for parents can be found on the following links: 

  • Educational Psychology

  • Referral Management Centre for children and young people

  • ADHD, ASD and Aspergers

  • Speech and Language (SALT)

  • Community Paediatrics

  • Children's services 0-19

Alternatively you can contact us via the website here.


The Danesholme SEND offer- what can Danesholme Junior Academy offer children with SEND?

 Universal provision

  • Quality first Teaching
  • TA support
  • Pastoral support
  • Differentiated Curriculum/extension activities
  • Visual timetables/individual workstations

SEND Provision

  • Individual Education Plan (IEP)
  • Speech and language therapy
  • SPLD Assessments and Advice
  • Dyslexia Awareness
  • Autism Outreach
  • Behaviour Outreach
  • Educational Psychology Service and Psychology Assistant Support
  • Visual and Hearing Impairment service
  • Occupational Therapy service
  • Community Paediatricians
  • Deaf Awareness and BSL

How will the curriculum be matched to my child's needs? 

If your child has SEND then they may require support that is 'additional to and different' from the rest of the class. This does not necessarily mean that they will need to be taught outside the classroom. Teachers plan learning activities that are pitched at a level so that all children can access them and so that all children are appropriately challenged in order to take their learning forward. Teachers use a range of different strategies to support children in order from them to be included in the learning and activities with their peers.

Please click here to see the curriculum adjustments and strategies in place for children with SEND.

Evaluating the Effectiveness of the provision for children with SEND

  • Role of the SENDCo in plan/do/review
  • Arrangements for monitoring individuals progress
  • Review meetings and pupil progress meetings.
  • Regular assessment arrangements
  • Individual education and behaviour plans
  • TA training and monitoring
  • Recording interventions and outcomes
  • GAT quality assurance arrangements - SEND audits and reviews
Staff training and Development 

All staff have had training in First Aid, Safeguarding, Team teach behaviour management, Epi-Pen usage and diabetes.  There has also been further training for different staff members on ASD, ADHD, SEMH, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Numicon, 1st Class@number, ELSA and Speech and Language.  More recently staff have had training in Trauma and ACEs from OFPCC and further training around SEMH and Dysregulated behaviours led by Maplefields. 

The SENDCO holds a Masters Degree in SEN and Inclusion

Previously staff have received training on behaviour, ADHD, ASD, Provision Maps and IEPs, CSE, Safer Working Practices, Child Abuse and Neglect and The Prevent Programme.  

Our staff have a wealth of experience supporting children with additional needs and the SENDCO regularly attends training within the Trust and with the Local Authority. 

The school are also members of Whole School SEND- NASEN and The National Deaf Children's Society:

Social, Emotional, Mental Health and Behaviour 

At Daneshome Junior Academy we want all children to be happy, relaxed and safe. Please click here to find out about how we support children with social, emotional, mental health and behaviour difficulties.  Please also see our ELSA information page by clicking here

Staff use Emotion Coaching alongside Zones of Regulation and Calm Corners and Regulation Stations to support children's well-being in school.  See some of the pictures below: 


There are also some different links below which can help support young people and their mental health.

Activities outside the Classroom, Including School Trips 

We enhance our children's learning through our broad and balanced curriculum and the use of first-hand experiences such as school visits and residential trips in order to bring learning to life.  We aim for all children to be included in school trips and residential visits ensuring specific needs are taken into account with our risk assessment. We may discuss, with you, the need for the enhanced support on the visit depending upon the specific needs of your child.  

All children have the same opportunities to attend our extra-curricular clubs, and we will make 'reasonable adjustments' to ensure that they can. If the club is run by an external agency we will make sure they are aware of any specific needs your child has.  

All trips and clubs are run in accordance with our behaviour policy.

Involving Parents

Parents who have a concern about their child, or who would want to discuss their child’s SEND provision, should contact the child's class teacher or the Academy SENDCO in the first instance.  Parents will be invited to review meetings during the school year, if appropriate, to discuss their child’s progress.  Parents receive an annual written report from their child's class teacher.  

Support for parents can also be found through the National Network of Parent Carers Forum, Northants Parent Forum Group and IASS.

To view our school Parents Inclusion Support please click here

The Academy will liaise with transfer schools and outside agencies.  A transition plan will be implemented when this is deemed necessary to support a child into moving to another school. Mrs Reynolds and Mrs Docherty plan an enhanced transition programme for children with SEND and will work closely with local secondary schools to ensure that all children with SEND have additional visits, if necessary, and meet key members of staff. If parents would like to talk about transition either to or from the Academy please contact us


For more information please visit our Admissions page.

Academy Advisory Council Please visit out AAC page to find out more information about the Academy Advisory Council.

Monitoring and Review

The SENDCO, Head of School and Principal are responsible for monitoring of the policy into practice document as well as analysing data and the progress of all SEND pupils.

This Academy SEND information report was reviewed on 07.01.25

Please feel free to contact Mrs Reynolds, the SENDCO and Assistant Principal, at the Academy on 01536 741657.